Online Video Marketing Traffic Explosion

Online video marketing is typically low cost and does not have the high advertising costs associated with television advertising. It can be said that its power is getting very close to traditional television advertisements. It is certainly more effective than print ads.

More and more businesses are starting to use internet video marketing in their advertising campaigns. It really is the way forward for your business and there are many possibilities. Isn’t it time you looked into online video marketing and moved into the future? Embrace it and look at the possibilities awaiting you in online video marketing internet content.

Know your business focus

What is it that you hope to achieve from your marketing? Are you looking to get new customers or subscribers? Would you like to increase your conversions and sales?

Whatever your ultimate goal, it is important for you to have a good video marketing campaign in place. Using online video marketing content will certainly go some way to helping you achieve your business objectives.

We prefer visual content

Ever since television appeared we have liked to stare at screens, being entertained by whatever it can throw at us. Television had a big impact on society for many decades and now the internet is doing exactly the same.

People actually spend more time online now than they do watching television. There are so many ways of being entertained by the variety of internet content available today. One of these ways is video content. Yes individuals and businesses have realised online video marketing offers great opportunities for them.

Imagine for a moment you wanted to sell your house. You contact a real estate company to advertise your house for you. Everyone else has a photo of their house on display, but you decide to go one better. You decide to take out your video camera and go from room to room recording every little detail.

When people come to enquire about a house, who do you think is going to get the most interest from potential buyers? It is most likely going to be you because you have done your online video marketing and have given them something visual to look at. Not just a dry static photograph like everyone else. We prefer to watch video and this is a prime example of the power of video marketing.

At one time banner ads were a popular form of advertising on the internet. They still have some effectiveness to be honest, but some of their power has been eroded in recent years. If a person is faced with the choice of looking at a banner ad or a video, they are more likely to watch the video.

As part of your online video marketing strategy you are allowing others to put the video they like onto their website or blog, or even share it with others. You are effectively giving out an online video marketing social experience, which will get you more traffic in the long term.

Product advertising

If your business has a product you wish to promote then video offers tremendous possibilities here. It is not so easy to explain what the product actually does in plain text. Is your potential customer going to bother reading through the explanation or are they likely to skim through it?

With online video marketing you can create an engaging video that will allow you to demonstrate your product visually. The viewer will have a better experience when they watch the moving pictures and hear a voice talking. As part of the video you could add a link of your website so that they can visit it and check out the product further. At this point you can go for the sale.

Why not give your products the online video marketing treatment they deserve and add a new angle to your marketing efforts.

Sales pages into video

Have you ever seen some of those long sales pages on the internet? If you’re anything like me you cannot be bothered to read all the way through. Paragraph after paragraph of long waffling text when all you really want to know is what it can do for you and how much is it going to cost.

A video sales page that you create as part of online video marketing will offer so much more than a static text sales page. You don’t need to appear on camera if you do not want to.

The video can be made up of text and somebody can be reading it out loud. You can also add in pictures or effects if you want to. It all helps to offer a great viewing experience and will increase the likelihood of you getting sales.

Is video marketing expensive?

The simple answer is online video marketing is a low cost method of marketing. You do not need expensive video equipment to make a good video. What you must ensure is that your video is engaging. Offer value to people and they will reward you by checking out further what you have to offer.

Hosting your video can be done on YouTube. This offers a number of benefits because millions of people worldwide visit this site on a daily basis. Think of the traffic you could get as a result of online video marketing. You will have more people coming back to your website as a result of people watching your video on YouTube. More traffic increases the likelihood of more sales and subscribers. Also it helps with your online marketing video seo efforts.

To host your video on YouTube won’t cost you anything either. You can even create your own channel and add many videos to it. If you have a website or blog then you can embed your video in it. YouTube is owned by Google so you can be sure it will help with your online video marketing search engine efforts.

You will discover that the traffic you get will be of benefit especially if you are doing local internet marketing in your business.

Video marketing services

If you feel you don’t have the time to investigate this novel way of marketing then you should consider contacting video marketing services. They will be only too willing to take care of your video sales pages, product advertising etc., leaving you free to concentrate on other aspects of your business.


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Video Marketing Tools

The explosion in recent years in online video has given rise to a new way of marketing business. It is no longer the case that you have to promote the dry static text sales page. Video has the potential to make your message come alive and there are numerous video marketing tools to help you get there.

Before video came along internet marketers relied on things such as banner ads to promote their products. While still effective, banner ads have declined somewhat in popularity. In the main they are not free and can burn a pretty hole in your advertising budget. A similar scenario exists with advertising on other websites.

People prefer to watch something rather than read a long piece of text. By using video marketing tools you can convert those static text sales pages into an engaging piece of video content. Although time consuming it can certainly propel your business forward. You will need some decent video marketing software to get the job done.

Have you ever used Microsoft PowerPoint as part of your marketing strategy? If not then why not go on a course or grab yourself a training book. Yes it requires a bit of effort to learn and understand it, but you will find it pays dividends. One of the best video marketing tools I find is PowerPoint. Your video marketing ideas and creativity can be put to good use here.

Another tool worth considering is Camtasia. This is more of a video editing tool than PowerPoint and produces exceptional results. You can bring video into the package, trim it, add titles, effects and sound. You can also record the computer screen activity.

Whatever marketing tools you decide to use, you will need to invest in a good quality microphone if you intend to add your voice to your video. It is not absolutely necessary, but some people may prefer to hear a voice speaking out loud the text on screen. Camtasia is worth adding to your arsenal of video marketing tools.

YouTube and video marketing

When you have created your video, you need somewhere to host it. The best place for hosting your video is YouTube. This site is all about viewing, sharing and uploading your videos. You can spend all evening on there looking at the different videos available and sometimes I do just that.

I find more interesting content on YouTube than I do on television. Whatever your interest you are bound to find something of use to watch. It is also a community where you can comment on other videos and share ideas. This site is one of the best, if not the best among the video marketing tools to use.

There are several reasons why it is such a great site. Firstly, YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world. What this means for you is that millions of people day or night around the world may watch your video.

You can also add your website link to the YouTube site. This will enable people who watch your video to click the link and visit your website, resulting in more conversions for you. As video marketing tools go, you will find yourself using it time and time again. It is for sure one of the better video marketing tools available for you to be aware of.

Secondly, YouTube is free so you will not be paying anything to have your video hosted on there. Some other sites will charge and this is not good if you are trying to keep costs low. YouTube is a wonderful tool to use as part of your video marketing strategy.

Thirdly, YouTube is owned by Google and highly thought of. By placing your website link on the site you are getting a highly valuable backlink and making further use of video marketing tools. This is seen as important in the eyes of Google and will help the search engine optimisation of your own website.

If a video interests you then you can email it to your friends. With a single click you can share the video on Facebook or Twitter. You can even take the link of the video and embed it in your own blog so that people can watch it when they visit your site. Having access to great video marketing tools is going to take your business to new heights.

Although YouTube is vastly popular and without doubt the number one video site in the whole world, there are many other sites you can upload your video to. Unfortunately it takes considerable time to upload your video to all these sites.

You have to manually go and create an account at each site and login in each time. Then one by one you upload your video to them. When choosing your video marketing tools think carefully about what they should be capable of handling.

There is a better way to upload your video to multiple sites with one click. There is a service called Traffic Geyser which will take care of this for you. It is not a free service, but there is a free trial.

Another service worth checking out is something called Tube Mogul. This is a free service, but you won’t be able to upload any videos that have commercial intent. Whatever way you look at it, these are the kind of video marketing tools you should be considering.

It always pays dividends to diversify your link building. By putting your video on many sites you are able to create backlinks to your website. This is a very good thing in the eyes of Google and will increase your page rank. It will also push your website higher in the search engine rankings. Can you see the benefits and value of these video marketing tips now?

Bookmarking will not drive traffic to your video, but it will help it to get indexed quicker. You should give consideration to video marketing tools such as bookmarking.

Bookmarking will also give it a small boost in the search engines. There are many bookmarking sites around. Some examples are Delicious, Reddit and Digg. Sign up for a free account with these sites and add the link of your video.

Another bookmarking site worth looking at is something called ‘Stumble Upon’. This is one of the major bookmarking sites and a site that Google likes. Adding your video link on there will certainly give you good link juice and you will have another set of video marketing tools at your disposal.

Getting your video on page one of Google is not easy and this is a subject in itself. Essentially you will need to do some keyword research and base your video around the chosen word.

You need to optimise the keyword in the video sites as well as for the

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